Studio User Manuals
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Analysis Modules
Learn from your data with our growing set of analysis modules, designed to generate powerful visualizations in minutes.
Use charts to expose categorical data to users. Some charts can also appear in the tooltips.
Use Data Connectors to connect and query popular databases and data providers.

Once imported into Studio, your data powers all underlying analyses and layers. Learn how to bring your data in and out of Studio.
Create columns that contain constant values, apply calculations with references to other columns, or use built-in functions for more sophisticated data analytics.
Apply filters across your dataset. Filters can also be used to explore temporal data through animation.
Hex Tiles
Foursquare's analytic tiling system for geospatial data that combines the ability of tiling systems to handle massive datasets with the power of the H3 hierarchical grid system.
Vector Tiles
Store spatial data in a compact, scalable format, allowing for efficient rendering of dynamic and interactive maps in Studio.
Use layers to visualize geospatial data. Multiple layers can be added to a map, visualizing any number of datasets (or different aspects of the same dataset).
Layer Glossary
Browse our full layer reference guide to find the best layer for your project.
Discover how to configure the map — the foundation for your Studio projects.
Sharing refers to either publishing or collaborative sharing your map.
Updated 12 months ago