H3 Functions
A range of functions are available to process H3 hexagon indexes in Studio expressions.
Function | Arguments | Return Type | Description |
geoToH3() | real , real , integer | string | Indexes the latitude, longitude location at the specified resolution, returning the index of the cell containing the location. Returns 0 on error. |
h3ToLat() | string | real | Returns centroid latitude of cell (as in geoToH3 ) |
h3ToLng() | string | real | Returns centroid longitude of cell (as in geoToH3 ) |
h3ToCenterChild() | string , integer | string | Returns the center child (finer) index contained by h at resolution childRes. |
h3ToParent() | string , integer | string | Returns the parent (coarser) index containing h. |
h3IsPentagon() | string | boolean | Returns true if this index represents a pentagonal cell. |
h3IsValid() | string | boolean | Returns true if this is a valid H3 index. |
h3IsResClassIII() | string | boolean | Returns true if this index has a resolution with Class III orientation. |
h3GetBaseCell() | string | integer | Returns the base cell number of the index. |
h3GetResolution() | string | integer | Returns the resolution of the index. |
h3IndexesAreNeighbors() | string , string | boolean | Returns whether or not the provided H3Indexes are neighbors. Returns 1 if the indexes are neighbors, 0 otherwise. |
getH3UnidirectionalEdge() | string , string | string | Returns a unidirectional edge H3 index based on the provided origin and destination. Returns 0 on error. |
getOriginH3Index FromUnidirectionalEdge() | string | string | Returns the origin hexagon from the unidirectional edge H3Index. |
getDestinationH3Index FromUnidirectionalEdge() | string | string | Returns the destination hexagon from the unidirectional edge H3Index. |
h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid() | string | boolean | Determines if the provided H3Index is a valid unidirectional edge index. |
h3Distance() | string , string | integer | Returns the distance in grid cells between the two indexes. |
experimentalH3ToLocalI() | string , string | integer | Returns a local I coordinate for this cell anchored by an origin. |
experimentalH3ToLocalJ() | string , string | integer | Returns a local J coordinate for this cell anchored by an origin. |
experimentalLocalIjToH3() | string , integer , integer | string | Produces an H3 index from local IJ coordinates anchored by an origin. This function is experimental, and its output is not guaranteed to be compatible across different versions of H3. |
degsToRads() | real | real | Converts degrees to radians. |
radsToDegs() | real | real | Converts radians to degrees. |
Updated 8 months ago