The Map SDK can be used in Amazon SageMaker notebooks.

To access Jupyter Notebooks through Amazon SageMaker, navigate to the SageMaker dashboard, then click on Notebook instances in the left sidebar.

Click on Notebook Instances to access Jupyter Notebooks through SageMaker

Click on Notebook Instances to access Jupyter Notebooks through SageMaker

Click Create Notebook Instance to set up a computational environment, then choose either Open Jupyter or Open JupyterLab (recommended) to start your Jupyter environment. Then follow the steps under Installation.

The installation methods differ depending on whether you chose a Jupyter or JupyterLab environment.

Jupyter (Jupyter Notebook) Installation

There are two steps are necessary:

  1. Install the Lab extension from a terminal environment. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. Install the Python package into the Conda environment of your choice. This installation needs to be done once for each Conda environment you wish to use.

Installing the Notebook extension

First, to install the Notebook extension, we'll use the default environment to enable the package. From the Jupyter Notebook home screen, choose New > Terminal.

A terminal will appear. Inside the terminal run:

pip install
jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix foursquare.map_sdk
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix foursquare.map_sdk

Installing the Python package

Start by opening a notebook using a Python 3 environment. For example, choose conda_python3. In the first cell, use !pip to install again:

!pip install

Upon reloading, Studio maps will display in the notebook. Note that this pip install command only needs to be run once per Python environment. For example, the next time I create a notebook in the conda_pytorch_p36 environment I can run import without running !pip install again.

Jupyter Lab

To install the Map SDK in Jupyter Lab, two steps are necessary:

  1. Install the Lab extension from a terminal environment. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. Install the Python package into the Conda environment of your choice. This installation needs to be done once for each Conda environment you wish to use.

Installing the Lab extension

From the JupyterLab home screen, select Terminal.

SageMaker new terminal.

SageMaker new terminal.

Inside the terminal run:

pip install
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager @foursquare/jupyter-map-sdk

Installing the Python package

Start by opening a notebook using a Python 3 environment. For example, choose conda_python3. In the first cell, use !pip to install again:

!pip install

After this pip install, you must reload the JupyterLab page in your browser.

Upon reloading, Studio maps will display in the notebook. Note that this pip install command only needs to be run once per Python environment. For example, the next time I create a notebook in the conda_pytorch_p36 environment I can run import without running !pip install again.

SageMaker pip install.

SageMaker rendering a map in Studio.