Layer Glossary
Layer Type | Description | Layer Preview Image |
3D Layer | 3D layer displays 3D models on map by using latitude and longitude coordinates. | |
Arc Layer | Arc layers are useful for visualizing the distance between two points as well as comparing distances in 3D. | |
Cluster Layer | Cluster layers visualize aggregated data based on a geospatial radius. | |
Flow Layer | Flow layers visualize origin-destination movement patterns between latitude and longitude coordinates. | |
Geojson/Polygon Layer | Polygon layers can display either paths, polygons or points. For example, a path layer can display data like trip routes. | |
Grid Layer | Grid layers are similar to heatmap layers. They show the density of points. | |
H3 Layer | H3 layers visualize spatial data using H3 Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index. | |
Heatmap Layer | Heatmap is a graphical representation of data in which values are represented as colors. | |
Hexbin Layer | Hexbin layers aggregate points into hexagons. The counts can be represented through color and/or height. | |
Hex Tile Layer | Hex Tile layers use Foursquare's proprietary Hex Tile tiling system. | |
Icon Layer | Icon layers are a type of point layer. They allow you to differentiate between points by assigning icons to points based on a field. | |
Line Layer | Line layers are the 2D version of arc layers. Both draw a line between two points to represent distance,but, in a line layer, the drawing lies flat on the map. | |
Point Layer | Point layers draw points for a given event or object based on its latitude and longitude. | |
Raster Layer | Raster layers show aerial photographs, imagery from satellites, or even scanned maps. | |
S2 Layer | To use S2 layers, you need to assign a column containing S2 tokens. | |
Trip Layer | Visualize movement through animations, such as air travel over a period of time | |
Vector Layer | Vector layers use the three basic GIS features to represent real-world features in digital format. | |
WMS Layer | WMS layers render map imagery optimized for the current viewport. |
Updated 10 months ago