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The Kinetica connector allows for connection to Kinetica clusters.

For more information about using data connectors to pull data into Studio, please refer to the data connector guide.

Configuring a Kinetica Connector

Kinetica Connector Form

Kinetica Connector Form

NameAn arbitrary name for your data connector.
Description(Optional) An arbitrary description for your data connector.
Host ServerThe server host name/address for your Kinetica cluster. You can retrieve the host server name/address from your hosting provider.
PortThe port on which your database is listening for requests. You can retrieve the port from your hosting provider. (The default Kinetica port is 5432.)
Database nameThe name of the Kinetica database to connect to.
API URL(Optional) API Url of the gpudb server used for WMS, VTS, and GPUdb requests.
User nameThe login name for the Kinetica user.
PasswordThe password for the Kinetica user.
Accept self-signed certificateEnable to force acceptance of a self-signed SSL certificate. (Not recommended for secure connections.)
Server Public KeyKinetica server public key/certificate for SSL connection.

With the exception of the Description and API Url (which is only necessary if utilizing a gpudb server), all fields are required.

Use the Test Connection button to test the connection after all required fields have been filled.

Click on the Confirm button to create a new Kinetica connector.

Self-Signed SSL Certificates

Studio allows for connecting to Kinetica clusters that are using a self-signed certificate for SSL encryption. This option provides additional convenience if the SSL certificate for your Kinetica instance is not CA signed.

Enable the Accept self-signed certificate option to accept a self-signed certificate in lieu of providing Studio a public certificate/key.

Caution: We recommend that you do not rely on using self-signed certificates for connections to confidential data.