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The bar chart presents categorical data on the X Axis using rectangular bars with heights on Y Axis proportional to the values that they represent. The values on the Y Axis can also be arranged for comparison in a grouped bar chart or a stacked bar chat.

A bar chart displaying Earthquake data.

A bar chart displaying Earthquake data.

Follow these steps to create a Bar Chart:

1. Click the Show Charts button on the top-right of the window.

2. Click Add Chart >> Bar Chart.

A settings panel will appear, allowing you to configure the line chart.

Base Settings

Note: Only options will display in the configuration panel. If you are missing an option, please ensure your current configuration supports it.

DatasetThe dataset containing the fields for the line chart.

X Axis

X AxisField to use for the X Axis.
BenchmarkGroup to use as a benchmark. Benchmarks appear as dotted, unfilled bars.
Max Number of BinsThe maximum number of bins (entries on the X Axis) to display on the bar chart.
Bin OthersEnable to bin the remaining data into another bar.
Show Grid LineDisplay vertical grid lines along X Axis values.
Rotate TicksEnable to rotate the text on the X Axis, providing more space for labels.
More Tick SpaceSelect a multiplier to apply to the bar chart's space for X Ticks, increasing readability for longer labels.
Show Less TicksEnable to reduce the number of ticks on the X Axis. Useful for number ranges where the user can infer tick values.
Sort ByChoose from a list of sorting options for the X axis. When Manual is enabled, click and drag the labels to order them.
Format NumberApply formatting to X Axis values (horizontal bars only).

Y Axis

Y AxisField to use the for Y Axis. Select an aggregation type on the right. Defaults to count.
AggregationHow to aggregate variables used in the Y Axis.
TitleString to use as a title along the Y Axis.
Show Grid LineDisplay a horizontal line in the across of the Y axis numbers.
More Tick SpaceSelect a multiplier to apply to the bar chart's space for Y Ticks, increasing readability for longer labels.
Format NumberHow to format Y Axis numbers. Select from a list of supported formatting options.


Group ByThe field used as a basis for the bar chart's groups.
BenchmarkGroup to use as a benchmark. Benchmarks appear as dotted, unfilled bars.
Max Number of GroupsThe maximum number of groups to display in a bar chart entry.
Group OthersEnable to group the remaining data into a single group.
Group ModeSelect between stacked (default), where groups sit on top of one another, or grouped, where groups are represented beside one another.
Sort by (Groups)Choose from a list of sorting options for groups.


ColorChoose a color scheme to apply to the charts.
Color byOrder in which to color elements of the bar chart.

More Options

Chart HintAdd a hint for the chart. You can use expressions to design the parameterized hint. Learn more about chart hints.
Use Horizontal LayoutEnable to use a horizontal layout for the bar chart.
Show ValuesEnable to display value text on the groups of a bar chart entry.
Values FormatEnable to display value only or group by name and value.
Values Width ThresholdIncrease the slider to hide value labels if bar width is lower than the provided value
Values Height ThresholdIncrease the slider to hide value labels if bar height is lower than the provided value
Logarithmic Scale ValuesEnable to change bar scaling from linear to logarithmic.
Group PaddingIncrease the slider to add space between grouped bars.
Bar PaddingIncrease the slider to add space between bars.
Show Axis LinesEnable to show grid lines on the Y and X axis.
Show LegendEnable to display a legend mapping the color scheme.
Format Tooltip ValueFormat displayed values
Legend checkboxesToggle on/off the visibility of individual data series in the chart.