Visits Data Schema
Amazon S3 Data Integration
The following visits data schema refers specifically to the data Foursquare sends via the Amazon S3 integration.
To learn more, please see the Amazon S3 Data Integration Guide.
Field | Description | Nullable |
VisitId | The ID of the visit | N |
ConsumerId | The application’s Foursquare consumerId | N |
ConsumerType | DeviceOS Type. One of androidSdk or iosSdk | N |
SdkBuild | The SDK Build version | N |
InstallId | The unique ID created by Pilgrim for each installation | N |
AdId | The user ADID | Y |
ArrivalTime | Time of the arrival in milliseconds since epoch | N |
DepartureTime | Time of the departure in milliseconds since epoch. Available on exit and historical visit types | N |
LocationType | The type of place the event corresponds to, which is one of: venue, home, work, none, unknown | N |
ConfidenceLevel | The venue confidence level. One of: none, low, med, high | Y |
ArrivalLat | The latitude of the user when they arrived at the place | N |
ArrivalLng | The longitude of the user when they arrived at the place | N |
DepartureLat | The latitude of the user when they departed the place | N |
DepartureLng | The longitude of the user when they departed the place | N |
Backfilled | Whether the visit was backfilled or not: true or false | N |
VenueId | The venue ID | Y |
VenueName | The Venue name | Y |
Address | The address of the venue | Y |
CrossStreet | The venue cross street | Y |
City | The city of the venue | Y |
State | The state of the venue | Y |
Zip | The zip of the venue | Y |
CountryCode | The country code of the venue | Y |
VenueLat | The latitude of the venue center | Y |
VenueLng | The longitude of the venue center | Y |
Chain1_id | The primary chain Id | Y |
Chain1 | The primary chain name | Y |
Chain2_id | The secondary chain Id | Y |
Chain2 | The secondary chain name | Y |
Chain3_id | The tertiary chain Id | Y |
Chain3 | The tertiary chain name | Y |
Category_primary_id | The primary category id | Y |
Category_primary | The primary category name | Y |
Category_secondary_id | The secondary category id | Y |
Category_secondary | The secondary category name | Y |
Category_tertiary_id | The tertiary category id | Y |
Category_tertiary | The tertiary category name | Y |
PartnerVenue_Id | The partner ID from the venue harmonization process | Y |
Updated about 2 years ago