Configure Server Webhooks
In the standard integration of the Movement SDK, the SDK will call your app with a notification that your user has arrived at a place. From there, it is likely that you will take some/all of the pieces of information that are handed to you and send those up to your servers for logging or other actions like notification sending. This is a good flow for most apps, but does require the upfront work of defining the client/server protocol to get this information up from your application. To get around this, Foursquare offers the ability to have your servers called anytime one of your users arrives at a place.
Some possible benefits:
- Reduced mobile network traffic and potential battery savings for your users via cutting out an API request to your servers from the device.
- Faster development iteration on your side without having to deploy a new app version.
- Allows Foursquare to potentially offer new data to you without requiring an app or SDK update.
Webhooks get triggered in addition to the regular callback in the SDK and don't alter SDK behavior at all.
To setup server webhooks:
- From the Developer Console Home page, select the appropriate project.
- On the project Settingspage, click Webhooks under the Movement SDK section.
- On the Movement SDK Webhookpage, input your server URL where we will send a
request with the event details. - Click Save.

For each arrival, departure, and geofence event, we will send a POST
request with details about the event. We will also include the secret key provided in your Developer Console so you know it's us.
The notification will come to your server endpoint as an application/json
request. Examples are available below.
Param | Value | Description |
Content-Length | Integer | Size of body content in bytes. Example: 708 |
Content-Type | String | Will be: application/json |
Pilgrim-Secret | String | A unique string that will be included on every request. You can find your secret in the developer console on the Pilgrim page. |
User-Agent | String | The payload's user agent will now be: Foursquare-PilgrimSDK/$version . Example: Foursquare-PilgrimSDK/2.0 |
X-Forwarded-For | IP Address | Example: |
X-Forwarded-Proto | String | Example: https |
Visit Body
Key | Type | Description |
pilgrimVisitId | String | The unique ID of the visit. |
eventType | String | The visit event type. One of: placeArrival , placeDeparture , placeHistorical |
timestamp | Long | Time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. |
placeEvent | JSON Hash | Contains the venue and any associated visit event information. |
lat | Double | The latitude of the user when they arrived at the place. |
lng | Double | The longitude of the user when they arrived at the place. |
user | JSON Hash | If set in the SDK, contains a user and arbitrary information about that user. |
installId | String | The unique ID created by Pilgrim for each installation. |
sdkType | String | The SDK that generated the notification iossdk or androidsdk . |
sdkBuild | String | The SDK build version. |
segments | JSON Hash | If enabled, contains any segments that the user belongs to. |
userState | JSON Hash | If enabled, contains any user states. |
Geofence Body
Key | Type | Description |
eventType | String | The triggered geofence event type. One of: geofenceEnter , geofenceDwell , geofencePresence , geofenceExit |
timestamp | Long | Time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. |
geofenceEvent | JSON Hash | Contains the geofence and any associated geofence event information. |
lat | Double | The latitude of the user when they arrived at the place. |
lng | Double | The longitude of the user when they arrived at the place. |
user | JSON Hash | If set in the SDK, contains a user and arbitrary information about that user. |
installId | String | The unique ID created by Pilgrim for each installation. |
sdkType | String | The SDK that generated the notification iossdk or androidsdk . |
sdkBuild | String | The SDK build version. |
Journeys Body
Key | Type | Definition |
journeyId | String | The unique ID of the Journey. |
eventType | String | The Journey event type. One of: journeysInProgress, journeysApproaching, journeysArrived, journeysCompleted, journeysCanceled |
startTime | Long | Time the journey started in milliseconds since epoch. |
lastUpdated | Long | Time the journey was last updated in milliseconds since epoch. |
status | String | The Journey status type. One of: journeysInProgress, journeysApproaching, journeysArrived, journeysCompleted, journeysCanceled |
eta | Long | Time the estimated arrival time of the journey in milliseconds since epoch. |
installId | String | The unique ID created by Pilgrim for each installation. |
path | Array | An array of ll objects & a timestamp. |
confirmedArrival | Boolean | True or false based on confirmation of the user's arrival at destination. |
venues | Array <Venue> | The venue the user is at. Currently, a max of 1 item is sent. |
categories | Array < Category> | A list of categories. |
destination | Array < Venue> | The destination venue. Currently, a max of 1 item is sent. |
user | JSON Hash | If set in the SDK, contains a user and arbitrary information about that user. |
Key | Type | Description | |
venues | Array<Venue> | The venue the user is at. Currently, a max of 1 item is sent. | |
arrivalTime | long | Time of the arrival in milliseconds since epoch | |
departureTime (optional) | long | Time of the departure in milliseconds since epoch. Available on exit and historical visit types. | |
confidence | String | The venue confidence, which is one of: none , low , med , high | |
locationType | String | The type of place the event corresponds to, which is one of: venue , home , work , none , unknown | |
otherPossibleVenues (optional) | Array<Venue> | A list of other venues that the device might be at. Only returned with placeArrival events and if you have the checkbox selected in the Pilgrim console |
Key | Type | Description |
eventType | String | The triggered geofence event type. One of: geofenceEnter , geofenceDwell , geofencePresence , geofenceExit |
eventLat | Double | The latitude of the user when the geofence was triggered. |
eventLng | Double | The longitude of the user when the geofence was triggered. |
radius | Long | The geofence radius. |
geofenceId | String | The unique ID of the geofence. |
geofenceProperties | JSON Hash | Contains any arbitray information about the geofence. You must set this via the Pilgrim SDK Configuration in the Developer Console. |
venueId | String | The Foursquare ID of the nearest venue to the user when the geofence was triggered. |
categoryIds | Array<Category> | A list of categories. |
chainIds | Array<Chain> | A list of chain ids. |
partnerVenueId | String | The partner id from the venue harmonization process. |
venues | Array<Venue> | The venue the user is at. Currently, a max of 1 item is sent. |
Key | Type | Description |
id | String | The venue id |
name | String | The venue name |
location | Location | The location of the venue |
categories | Array<Category> | The categories of the venue |
probability | Double | Likelihood of this being the venue the device is actually at |
hierarchy (optional) | Array<Venue> | The parent venues of this place, containing a subset of venue information (id, name, categories) |
venueChains (optional) | Array<Chain> | The chains for which the venue belongs |
Key | Type | Description |
address | String | The address of the venue |
crossStreet | String | Venue cross street |
city | String | The city of the venue |
state | String | The state of the venue |
postalCode | String | The postal code of the venue |
country | String | The country of the venue |
lat | Double | The latitude of the venue center |
lng | Double | The longitude of the venue center |
Key | Type | Description |
id | String | The category id |
name | String | The category name |
shortName | String | The shortened version of the category name i.e. American vs American Restaurant |
pluralName | String | The plural name of the categories |
icon | Icon | The category icon |
Key | Type | Description |
prefix | String | URL prefix |
suffix | String | URL suffix |
Key | Type | Description |
id | String | The chain id |
The following examples are also available for download.
"pilgrimVisitId": "4c4763f7646e38002cc51789",
"eventType": "placeArrival",
"timestamp": 1548182419000,
"placeEvent": {
"venues": [
"id": "52af211911d2aa9d4a1f0e0a",
"name": "Foursquare Chicago",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St",
"crossStreet": "at N State St",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60606",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889264,
"lng": -87.628911
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d125941735",
"name": "Tech Startup",
"pluralName": "Tech Startups",
"shortName": "Tech Startup",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"hierarchy": [
"id": "577d3752498e0faef85a21c2",
"name": "WeWork Kinzie",
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d174941735",
"name": "Coworking Space",
"pluralName": "Coworking Spaces",
"shortName": "Coworking Space",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"venueChains": [
"id": "556e5779bd6a82902e28bcea",
"name": "Foursquare"
"probability": 0.33320653250353993
"otherPossibleVenues": [
"id": "577d3752498e0faef85a21c2",
"name": "WeWork Kinzie",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St",
"crossStreet": "at N Dearborn St",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889511244213416,
"lng": -87.62894332408905
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d174941735",
"name": "Coworking Space",
"pluralName": "Coworking Spaces",
"shortName": "Coworking Space",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"venueChains": [
"id": "5569f639a7c8896abe7cb706",
"name": "WeWork"
"id": "5b0489c9b54618002cb921ee",
"name": "Compass Regional HQ",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St Fl 15",
"crossStreet": "N State St",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889252,
"lng": -87.62892
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d124941735",
"name": "Office",
"pluralName": "Offices",
"shortName": "Office",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"id": "5032885091d4c4b30a586d66",
"name": "Real Estate Office",
"pluralName": "Real Estate Offices",
"shortName": "Real Estate",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"hierarchy": [
"id": "4bbf57a082a2ef3b7a972cd2",
"name": "20 W. Kinzie Building",
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d130941735",
"name": "Building",
"pluralName": "Buildings",
"shortName": "Building",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"probability": 0.09861296257083949
"id": "59518d9706fb6023d22a9ad7",
"name": "Southern Cut Barbeque",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St",
"crossStreet": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889384,
"lng": -87.628605
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1df931735",
"name": "BBQ Joint",
"pluralName": "BBQ Joints",
"shortName": "BBQ",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"probability": 0.04432434057492494
"confidence": "high",
"locationType": "venue",
"arrivalTime": 1548182419000
"lat": 41.889303,
"lng": -87.628898,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"userStates": [
"name": "travel",
"properties": {}
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2",
"segments": [
"segmentId": 162,
"name": "The Foursquare Coffee Drinker - U.S."
"pilgrimVisitId": "4c4763f7646e38002cc51789",
"eventType": "placeDeparture",
"timestamp": 1548201189000,
"placeEvent": {
"venues": [
"id": "52af211911d2aa9d4a1f0e0a",
"name": "Foursquare Chicago",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St",
"crossStreet": "at N State St",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60606",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889264,
"lng": -87.628911
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d125941735",
"name": "Tech Startup",
"pluralName": "Tech Startups",
"shortName": "Tech Startup",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"hierarchy": [
"id": "577d3752498e0faef85a21c2",
"name": "WeWork Kinzie",
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d174941735",
"name": "Coworking Space",
"pluralName": "Coworking Spaces",
"shortName": "Coworking Space",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"venueChains": [
"id": "556e5779bd6a82902e28bcea",
"name": "Foursquare"
"confidence": "high",
"locationType": "venue",
"arrivalTime": 1548182419000,
"departureTime": 1548201189000
"lat": 41.887604,
"lng": -87.629599,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"userStates": [
"name": "travel",
"properties": {}
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2",
"segments": [
"segmentId": 162,
"name": "The Foursquare Coffee Drinker - U.S."
"pilgrimVisitId": "4c4763f7646e38002cc51789",
"eventType": "placeHistorical",
"timestamp": 1548202432000,
"placeEvent": {
"venues": [
"id": "52af211911d2aa9d4a1f0e0a",
"name": "Foursquare Chicago",
"location": {
"address": "20 W Kinzie St",
"crossStreet": "at N State St",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60606",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.889264,
"lng": -87.628911
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d125941735",
"name": "Tech Startup",
"pluralName": "Tech Startups",
"shortName": "Tech Startup",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"hierarchy": [
"id": "577d3752498e0faef85a21c2",
"name": "WeWork Kinzie",
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d174941735",
"name": "Coworking Space",
"pluralName": "Coworking Spaces",
"shortName": "Coworking Space",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"venueChains": [
"id": "556e5779bd6a82902e28bcea",
"name": "Foursquare"
"confidence": "high",
"locationType": "venue",
"arrivalTime": 1548182419000,
"departureTime": 1548201189000
"lat": 41.887604,
"lng": -87.629599,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2",
"segments": [
"segmentId": 162,
"name": "The Foursquare Coffee Drinker - U.S."
"pilgrimVisitId": "4c4b64fdd807ee002cba1560",
"eventType": "placeArrival",
"timestamp": 1548444925000,
"placeEvent": {
"venues": [],
"confidence": "high",
"locationType": "work",
"arrivalTime": 1548444925000
"lat": 41.889282,
"lng": -87.62858,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2",
"segments": [
"segmentId": 162,
"name": "The Foursquare Coffee Drinker - U.S."
"eventType": "geofenceEnter",
"timestamp": 1545078269223,
"geofenceEvent": {
"eventType": "entrance",
"eventLat": 41.8893897,
"eventLng": -87.6297896,
"radius": 100.0,
"geofenceId": "5c649335af2c3c526c06a898",
"geofenceProperties": {
"customGeofenceKey": "Custom Geofence Value"
"venueId": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"categoryIds": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"chainIds": "",
"partnerVenueId": "",
"venues": [
"id": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"name": "Einstein Bros Bagels",
"location": {
"address": "400 N Dearborn St",
"crossStreet": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.8893897,
"lng": -87.6297896
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d179941735",
"name": "Bagel Shop",
"pluralName": "Bagel Shops",
"shortName": "Bagels",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"name": "Coffee Shop",
"pluralName": "Coffee Shops",
"shortName": "Coffee Shop",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"venueChains": [
"id": "556ce8d9aceaff43eb0588d6",
"name": "Einstein Bros."
"lat": 41.88928251303856,
"lng": -87.62870316744883,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2"
"eventType": "geofenceDwell",
"timestamp": 1545078408140,
"geofenceEvent": {
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"eventLat": 41.8893897,
"eventLng": -87.6297896,
"radius": 100.0,
"geofenceId": "5c649335af2c3c526c06a898",
"geofenceProperties": {
"customGeofenceKey": "Custom Geofence Value"
"venueId": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"categoryIds": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"chainIds": "",
"partnerVenueId": "",
"venues": [
"id": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"name": "Einstein Bros Bagels",
"location": {
"address": "400 N Dearborn St",
"crossStreet": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.8893897,
"lng": -87.6297896
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d179941735",
"name": "Bagel Shop",
"pluralName": "Bagel Shops",
"shortName": "Bagels",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"name": "Coffee Shop",
"pluralName": "Coffee Shops",
"shortName": "Coffee Shop",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"venueChains": [
"id": "556ce8d9aceaff43eb0588d6",
"name": "Einstein Bros."
"lat": 41.889335266663636,
"lng": -87.62856037188838,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2"
"eventType": "geofencePresence",
"timestamp": 1549553712000,
"geofenceEvent": {
"eventType": "presence",
"eventLat": 41.8893897,
"eventLng": -87.6297896,
"radius": 100.0,
"geofenceId": "5c649335af2c3c526c06a898",
"geofenceProperties": {
"customGeofenceKey": "Custom Geofence Value"
"venueId": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"categoryIds": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"chainIds": "",
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"venues": [
"id": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"name": "Einstein Bros Bagels",
"location": {
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"crossStreet": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.8893897,
"lng": -87.6297896
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d179941735",
"name": "Bagel Shop",
"pluralName": "Bagel Shops",
"shortName": "Bagels",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"primary": true
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"name": "Coffee Shop",
"pluralName": "Coffee Shops",
"shortName": "Coffee Shop",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"venueChains": [
"id": "556ce8d9aceaff43eb0588d6",
"name": "Einstein Bros."
"lat": 41.889356,
"lng": -87.628725,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2"
"eventType": "geofenceExit",
"timestamp": 1545091987992,
"geofenceEvent": {
"eventType": "exit",
"eventLat": 41.8893897,
"eventLng": -87.6297896,
"radius": 100.0,
"geofenceId": "5c649335af2c3c526c06a898",
"geofenceProperties": {
"customGeofenceKey": "Custom Geofence Value"
"venueId": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"categoryIds": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"chainIds": "",
"partnerVenueId": "",
"venues": [
"id": "4a9037fef964a5209b1620e3",
"name": "Einstein Bros Bagels",
"location": {
"address": "400 N Dearborn St",
"crossStreet": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"postalCode": "60654",
"country": "US",
"lat": 41.8893897,
"lng": -87.6297896
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d179941735",
"name": "Bagel Shop",
"pluralName": "Bagel Shops",
"shortName": "Bagels",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1e0931735",
"name": "Coffee Shop",
"pluralName": "Coffee Shops",
"shortName": "Coffee Shop",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"venueChains": [
"id": "556ce8d9aceaff43eb0588d6",
"name": "Einstein Bros."
"lat": 41.88709567122635,
"lng": -87.63105850113463,
"user": {
"adid": "40C23EBD-E21A-4ACC-A915-B1C80BDAF4FE",
"userId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4"
"installId": "CB25EFFB-C2B2-4E0F-B0E9-55C05BEFA4D4",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "2.4.2"
If you do not already have webhook ingestion set up, you can easily use a tool called ngrok, which can be used to create a tunnel to monitor activity on your local dev machine. We also recommend using RequestInspector or http://req if you're testing outside of a webhook you own.
We no longer recommend using, as we've noticed that sometimes pings are not delivered.-->
Updated 11 months ago