Movement SDK Data Usage
This is the data sent to Foursquare servers on every “stop” detected by the SDK. We use these data elements both to predict the current venue a user is at.
Data collected by the Movement SDK
VenueSearch Signals
- Venue type, i.e. does the client think this is a Home/Work location
- Device lat/long
- Wifi scan, as available
- Beacon scan, as available
- Barometer/magnet/phone sensors. See the list below for a complete review of sensor data rights to be requested (Foursquare does not collect all of this data today but does ask for rights to help conduct R&D that can improve our products)
IDs and Admin
- Timestamp
- Unique installid for this instance
- Consumer ID (i.e. a unique ID for all Partner requests)
- AdID
- AdID opt-out setting
Device Info
- Current battery level
- Device model
- Operating system version
NOTE: The only header we add is for our internal user agent
Sensor Data Specifics and Requested Rights
Wifi Address
- The bssid of the connected network
- The bssid and frequency of the nearby wi-fi networks.
Motion State Data
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- If your app requests the Google Activity monitoring permission, we will get a timestamp and a motion state (i.e. “walking”).
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- Altitude in meters for the stopped location
- The altitude of the stopped location from the device provided location
Floor Level Data
- Floor in building for the stopped location
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
Magnetometer Data
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
Bluetooth Data
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
Visible Beacon Data
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
- N/A - Rights reserved for future collection
Data Sent to Partners via SDK
This is the data returned to the client on every stop detected by the SDK. Clients/Partners/Customers have different rights to this data, depending on the field. As a general principle, partners own data related to the stop in perpetuity, however will only have a license to fields related to the location information of a venue that terminates at the end of the agreement term.
Sample Movement SDK Webhook Response
"VisitId": "5b8821d9bcbf7a002dab91fc",
"eventType": "placeArrival",
"timestamp": 1535648217088,
"placeEvent": {
"venues": [
"id": "3fd66200f964a52098ed1ee3",
"name": "The Irish Bank",
"location": {
"address": "10 Mark Ln",
"crossStreet": "at Harlan Pl.",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94108",
"country": "US",
"lat": 37.7903451920591,
"lng": -122.40459322929382
"categories": [
"id": "52e81612bcbc57f1066b7a06",
"name": "Irish Pub",
"pluralName": "Irish Pubs",
"shortName": "Irish",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"probability": 0.6088516762188961
"otherPossibleVenues": [
"id": "49e7e380f964a52027651fe3",
"name": "Akiko’s Restaurant & Sushi Bar",
"location": {
"address": "431 Bush St",
"crossStreet": "at Mark Ln.",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94108",
"country": "US",
"lat": 37.790623,
"lng": -122.404657
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d1d2941735",
"name": "Sushi Restaurant",
"pluralName": "Sushi Restaurants",
"shortName": "Sushi",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d111941735",
"name": "Japanese Restaurant",
"pluralName": "Japanese Restaurants",
"shortName": "Japanese",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"probability": 0.042400647818909835
"id": "4ed92126f5b92139871ce962",
"name": "Foursquare SF",
"location": {
"address": "425 Bush St Ste 500",
"crossStreet": "btwn Grant & Kearny",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94108",
"country": "US",
"lat": 37.7905997608588,
"lng": -122.40459154855427
"categories": [
"id": "4bf58dd8d48988d125941735",
"name": "Tech Startup",
"pluralName": "Tech Startups",
"shortName": "Tech Startup",
"icon": {
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ".png"
"venueChains": [
"id": "556e5779bd6a82902e28bcea",
"name": "Foursquare"
"probability": 0.01599619603673202
"confidence": "high",
"locationType": "venue"
"lat": 37.790459,
"lng": -122.404695,
"user": {
"userId": "12345"
"installId": "1A11C111-11FA-1C71-111C-FC1111BAB111",
"sdkType": "iossdk",
"sdkBuild": "4.0.3"
Object Table Key
Green - Partner owns the field in perpetuity
Yellow - Partner owns a subset of fields on the child object
Red - Partner is licensed to use field data for the term of the agreement
Visit Object
Key | Type | Description | Example |
venues | Array<Venue> | The place the user is at. Currently a max of 1 item is sent. | Below |
confidence | String | The venue confidence, which is one of none, low, med, high | High |
lat | Double | The latitude of the user when they arrived at the place | 40.777502 |
long | Double | The longitude of the user when they arrived at the place | -73.969508 |
pilgrimVisitId | String | The unique ID of the visit. Required for confirming visits back to Foursquare | 593eede7d48ec143c034a349 |
timestamp | long | Time of the event in milliseconds since epoch | 1497296359056 |
visitType | String | The type of notification that is coming through: arrival, departure, historical. | arrival |
locationType | String | The type of place the event corresponds to. One of venue, home, work, none, unknown | venue |
sdkType | String | The SDK that generated the notification iosSdk or androidSdk | androidsdk |
arrivalTime | long | Time of the arrival in milliseconds since epoch | 1535648217088 |
departureTime (Optional) | long | Time of the departure in milliseconds since epoch. Available on exit and historicalvisit types. | 1535648217088 |
otherPossibleVenues (Optional) | List<Venue> | A list of other venues that the user might be at. Only returned if you have the checkbox selected in the Pilgrim console | Format same as above |
nearbyVenues (Optional) | List | The list of places nearby that matched your selected nearby triggers as configured on the Pilgrim console or locally in the SDK on a per user basis. | Format same as above |
Venue Object
Key | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | The venue id | 4ed92126f5b92139871ce962 |
name | String | The venue name | Cafe Pushkin |
location | Location | The location of the venue | See below in red. |
categories | Array<Category> | The categories of the venue | Coffee Shop |
hierarchy (optional) | Array | The parent venues of this place, containing a subset of venue information (id, name, categories) | Same format as Venues above |
chains (optional) | Array<Chain> | The chains that the venue belongs to | Starbucks |
Location Object
Key | Type | Description | Example |
crossStreet | String | Venue cross street. | btwn Grant & Kearny |
address | String | The address of the venue | 425 Bush St Ste 500 |
city | String | The city of the venue | San Francisco |
state | String | The state of the venue | CA |
postalCode | String | The postal code of the venue | 94108 |
country | String | The country of the venue | US |
lat | Double | The latitude of the venue center | 37.7905997608588 |
lng | Double | The longitude of the venue center | -122.40459154855427 |
Category Object
Key | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | The category id | 4ed92126f5b92139871ce962 |
name | String | The category name | Coffee Shop |
shortName | String | The shortened version of the category name i.e. American vs American Restaurant | American |
pluralName | String | The plural name of the categories |
Chain Object
Key | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | The chain id | 556e5779bd6a82902e28bcea |
Updated 11 months ago