Map Functions
Using the Studio Data SDK, you can manage your map records with several map endpoints.
The Data SDK can be used to manage map records. For front-end visualizations, please refer to the Map SDK.
Create Map
Create a new map record. When creating a map record, you can configure the map's state via a JSON object.
studio_map = data_sdk.create_map(
name="map name",
description="map description",
map_state = {
"id": "56bd843f-d5a8-4448-8e8c-e63432b3c8dc",
"data": {
"bearing": 0,
"dragRotate": False,
"latitude": 39.72295394218594,
"longitude": -94.31115944987631,
"pitch": 0,
"zoom": 5.202306331513537,
"isSplit": False,
"isViewportSynced": True,
"isZoomLocked": False,
"splitMapViewports": [],
"mapViewMode": "MODE_2D",
"mapSplitMode": "SINGLE_MAP",
"globe": {
"enabled": False
datasets = ['654ab82a-9c1a-478d-b888-a27a30c860a9']
fsq-data-sdk create-map \
--name "map name" \
--description "map description" \
--map-state /path/to/map-state.json \
--dataset-ids <uuid1>,<uuid2>
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '@/path/to/my_map.json'
Learn more in the SDK reference
Copy Map
Creates a copy of an existing map, duplicating its layers and map state. Copy a map to create a snapshot of an existing project, build a "branch" of a project, or a template from which to start a new visualization.
You must choose whether to clone the target map's datasets (copy_datasets = True
) or point to them as a data source (copy_datasets = False
) for the cloned map.
When creating a static snapshot of the original map, copying the datasets preserves the original context of the target project. However, if your new project relies on the same continually-updated datasets (e.g. a dataset containing weather measurements), you may want to point to the original datasets as a source for your new project.
When creating a template from a map (i.e., cloning a map for its layer and map configuration), you should not copy its datasets to preserve space on your Studio Cloud account.
studio_map = data_sdk.copy_map(
map = "<uuid>",
copy_datasets = True,
name = "My Copied Map Example")
fsq-data-sdk copy-map \
--map-id "<uuid>" \
--copy-datasets/--no--copy--datasets \
--name "My Copied Map Example"
curl --request POST \
--url<uuid>/copy \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Token> \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"copyDatasets": true,
"name": "map_copy"
Learn more in the SDK reference
Replace Dataset
Replace a dataset on a map, updating the visualization with the data from the new dataset. You can use this feature to apply a dataset with similar data on top of an existing project, visualizing the dataset with the existing map configuration. Alternatively, you can combine this function with copy_map
to use a map as a template, allowing you to create several new projects from a single map and several similar datasets.
By default, this function expects a dataset with a compatible schema. At minimum, any columns used by map layers etc must be present and of the same type. For managed and hextile datasets,
will check the schemas and will error if the new dataset is not compatible with the old one. To override the error, setforce = True
. To use strict type checking between fields, setstrict=True
. For other types of dataset, replacing a dataset with another one with an incompatible schema might cause your map's layers, filters, charts, etc to fail to render.
studio_map = data_sdk.replace_dataset(
"38bbed5-eb0e-4c65-8bcc-cc173dc497qb", # Map UUID
dataset_to_replace = "750dfn07-f8b9-4d37-b698-bacd1d8e6156",
dataset_to_use = "c9ff8f3e-8821-4k68-b7fc-94cb95fe65e2"
fsq-data-sdk replace-dataset \
--map-id "38bbed5-eb0e-4c65-8bcc-cc173dc497qb" \
--dataset-to-replace "750dfn07-f8b9-4d37-b698-bacd1d8e6156" \
--dataset-to-use "c9ff8f3e-8821-4k68-b7fc-94cb95fe65e2" \
curl --request POST \
--url<uuid>/datasets/replace \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"datasetToReplaceId": "dataset_1",
"datasetToUseId": "dataset_2",
"force": false,
"strict": false
Learn more in the SDK reference
Get Map
Get a map record. Pass the UUID of the map record to receive the map's record as a JSON object.
studio_map = data_sdk.get_map_by_id("<uuid>")
fsq-data-sdk get-map <uuid>
curl -X GET<uuid> \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
The response contains the map's metadata, its entire configuration stored in latest_state
, as well as an array of datasets associated with the map.
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"createdAt": "2020-11-03T21:27:14.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-13T01:44:07.000Z",
"description": "string",
"privacy": "private",
"permission": "editor",
"latestState": {
"datasets": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"createdAt": "2020-11-10T18:09:39.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-10T18:09:39.000Z",
"privacy": "private",
"permission": "editor",
"isValid": true
Learn more in the SDK reference
Update Map
Update an existing map record, locating the map with its UUID. When updating a map record, you can configure the map's state via a JSON object.
You can retrieve a map's configuration using the Get Map function. Modify the JSON configuration stored in the latest_state
, save it a new JSON file, then pass it via the update_map
Note: If you are updating a critical map, copy it prior to updating the configuration.
map_id =,
map_state = {
fsq-data-sdk update-map \
--map-id "map-uuid" \
--name "new name" \
--description "new description" \
--map-state map-state.json \
--dataset-ids <uuid1>,<uuid2>
curl -X PUT<uuid> \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '@/path/to/my_map.json'
View map configuration specifications in the map and layer format documentation.
Learn more in the SDK reference
Delete Map
Delete a map record. Pass the UUID of the map to delete the map record. This will not delete datasets associated with the map.
This operation cannot be undone.
fsq-data-sdk delete-map <uuid>
curl -X DELETE<uuid> \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Learn more in the SDK reference
List Maps
List all map records on the authorized account.
maps = data_sdk.list_maps()
fsq-data-sdk list-maps
curl -X GET HTTP/1.1 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
If you are part of an organization, you can pass the organization parameter to get all map records for the organization of the authorized account.
maps = data_sdk.list_maps(organization = True)
fsq-data-sdk list-maps --organization
curl -X GET HTTP/1.1 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Learn more in the SDK reference
Updated 8 months ago