Restaurant Recommendation App
Private Beta Feature
This documentation covers a feature currently in Private Beta. Access is exclusive to approved participants. If you're interested in joining the Private Beta program, apply here.
Please note that while the docs are publicly viewable, functionality is limited to Private Beta participants until public launch.
Curate a Unique Gastro Journey

Use our Movement SDK to reach users with the right messaging at the right place and time, whether they want quick takeout/delivery or βfoodiesβ who are searching for a planned in-advance dinner.
Jump-start personalization during user app onboarding by integrating our Tastes API with your customer data platform to maintain a detailed user persona profile based on user interests and preferences.
Using our Personalized Search APIs, enhance customer trust by showing venue recommendations tailored to their unique interests and preferences.
Features Used
Our restaurant recommendation mobile app use case leverages the following features to achieve the afore-mentioned user experience.
Movement SDK
- Snap to Place Technology to generate visit events and feed the recommendations algorithm
- Geofences for event detection on a specified set of lat/longs, POIs, categories, or chains.
Personalized Places APIs
- UGC Tastes API to identify a userβs preferences - cuisine, specific dishes or drinks, ambience, suitability for specific occasions - to jump start personalization.
- Personalized Search APIs to inspire your users to discover new places around them.
Get Started
Step 1. Set up Your FSQ Developer Account
- Account Creation
- Movement SDK Access (click Speak to an Expert)
- Create Service API Key
Step 2. Install and Configure the Movement SDK
Step 3. Build the API Calls
Step 4. Integrate API Calls Into Your App Code
The following code written in Swift for an iOS app provides an example of how to call Foursquareβs Tastes API to understand their preferences and make venue recommendations based on those preferences..
Please make sure to include the unique per app user oauth_token
to ensure a personalized experience. Learn more about Foursquareβs User-ful Authentication.
import Foundation
let v = "20231020"
let oauthToken = "[TOKEN]"
struct FoursquareResponse<ResponseType: Codable>: Codable {
struct Meta: Codable {
let code: Int
let requestId: String
let meta: Meta
let response: ResponseType
struct EmptyResponse: Codable {
struct HTTPError: Error {
let statusCode: Int
static let badRequest = HTTPError(statusCode: 400)
// ... more statuses
func makeRequest(endpoint: String, method: String, params: [String: String]) async throws -> Data {
let components = {
var components = URLComponents(string: "\(endpoint)")!
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "v", value: v),
URLQueryItem(name: "oauth_token", value: oauthToken)
] + { URLQueryItem(name: $0.key, value: $0.value) }
return components
let request = {
var request = URLRequest(url: components.url!)
request.httpMethod = method
return request
let result = try await request)
guard let response = result.1 as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode < 400 else {
throw HTTPError(statusCode: (result.1 as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode ?? HTTPError.badRequest.statusCode)
return result.0
struct Venue: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
struct User: Codable {
let id: String
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
// ...
struct Taste: Codable {
let id: String
let text: String
struct GetTasteSuggestionsResponse: Codable {
let tastes: [Taste]
struct GetVenueRecommendationsResponse: Codable {
struct Group: Codable {
struct Result: Codable {
let venue: Venue
let results: [Result]
let group: Group
func getTasteSuggestions(intent: String) async throws -> [Taste] {
let data = try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/tastes/suggestions", method: "GET", params: ["intent": intent])
return try JSONDecoder().decode(FoursquareResponse<GetTasteSuggestionsResponse>.self, from: data).response.tastes
func addTaste(taste: Taste) async throws {
try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/tastes/add", method: "POST", params: ["tasteId":])
func getVenueRecommendations(latLng: String) async throws -> GetVenueRecommendationsResponse {
let data = try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/search/recommendations", method: "GET", params: ["ll": latLng])
return try JSONDecoder().decode(FoursquareResponse<GetVenueRecommendationsResponse>.self, from: data).response
let tastes = try await getTasteSuggestions(intent: "tipstream")
if let taste = tastes.first {
try await addTaste(taste: taste)
let latLng = "40.7591622,-74.0516322"
print(try await getVenueRecommendations(latLng: latLng))
Updated about 1 year ago