Data Usage & Schemas


As of January 31, 2023 Foursquare changed the name of our existing Pilgrim SDK product to Movement SDK. This change comes as Foursquare looks to align our product names closer to their functionality and bring the Pilgrim SDK closer to our other family of products.

If you are already using the Pilgrim SDK, you may continue to do so or elect to upgrade to the Movement SDK documented within this section.

Places API

SDK Data Usage

The data sent to Foursquare servers on every “stop” detected by the SDK.

Places API

Category Schema

The Foursquare Venue Category Hierarchy used by the Movement SDK.

Places API

Chains Schema

The list of the most common Foursquare Venue Chains in the United States.

Places API

Vists Data Schema

The visits data Foursquare sends via the Amazon S3 integration.

Places API

Geofence Data Schema

The geofence data Foursquare sends via the Amazon S3 integration.