Geofence Data Schema


Amazon S3 Data Integration

The following visits data schema refers specifically to the data Foursquare sends via the Amazon S3 integration.

To learn more, please see the Amazon S3 Data Integration Guide.

EventIdThe ID of the Geofence eventN
ConsumerIdThe application’s Foursquare consumerIdN
ConsumerTypeDeviceOS Type. One of androidSdk or iosSdkN
SdkBuildThe SDK Build versionN
InstallIdThe unique ID created by Pilgrim for each installationN
AdIdThe user ADIDY
EventTypeThe type of notification that is coming through. One of, geofenceEnter, geofenceDwell, geofencePresence, geofenceExitN
EventLatThe latitude of the user when the geofence was triggeredN
EventLngThe longitude of the user when the geofence was triggeredN
TimestampTime of the arrival in milliseconds since epochN
GeofenceIdThe ID of the geofenceN
GeofenceTypeThe type of geofence shape. One of venue, chain, category, circle, polygonN
GeofenceNameThe geofence nameN
RadiusThe geofence radiusY
GeofenceLatThe latitude of the geofence centerN
GeofenceLngThe longitude of the geofence centerN
VenueIdThe Foursquare ID of the nearest venue to the user when the geofence was triggeredY
PartnerVenueIdThe partner ID from the venue harmonization processY
VenueNameThe Venue nameY
AddressThe address of the venueY
CrossStreetThe venue cross streetY
CityThe city of the venueY
StateThe state of the venueY
ZipThe zip of the venueY
CountryCodeThe country code of the venueY
VenueLatThe latitude of the venue centerY
VenueLngThe longitude of the venue centerY
Chain1_idThe primary chain IdY
Chain1The primary chain nameY
Chain2_idThe secondary chain IdY
Chain2The secondary chain nameY
Chain3_idThe tertiary chain IdY
Chain3The tertiary chain nameY
Category_primary_idThe primary category idY
Category_primaryThe primary category nameY
Category_secondary_idThe secondary category idY
Category_secondaryThe secondary category nameY
Category_tertiary_idThe tertiary category idY
Category_tertiaryThe tertiary category nameY