Public Beta Feature
This documentation covers a feature currently in Public Beta. Access is available to anyone interested in building personalized experiences for their end-users.
This feature is subject to the Personalization API (Self-Service) Public Beta End user License Agreement 📄.

Guide Travelers On Their Way
Use our Movement SDK for snap-to-place place identification, integrations for taxi coordination, and automatic logging of travel locations for future reference.
As you look to create personalized travel recommendations for your users, take advantage of our User Generated Content (UGC) endpoints to generate Lists useful for tagging restaurants for future trips or keeping track of your favorite places in various cities, and more.
Help customers build their travel plans by using our Venue endpoints to show them popular restaurants and entertainment venues at their desired travel destination.
Features Used
Our travel tracking and recommendation mobile app use case leverages the following features to achieve the afore-mentioned user experience.
Movement SDK
- Snap to Place Technology to generate visit events and feed the recommendations algorithm
Personalization API Endpoints
- Lists to curate collections of places for your user base or allow users to create their own place collections.
- Venues to inspire your users to discover new places around them.
Get Started
Step 1. Set up Your FSQ Developer Account
- Account Creation
- Movement SDK Access (click Speak to an Expert)
- Create Service API Key
Step 2. Install and Configure the Movement SDK
Step 3. Build the API Calls
Step 4. Integrate API Calls Into Your App Code
The following code written in Swift for an iOS app provides an example of how to call Foursquare’s Lists endpoints to show your app users a list of Trending Venues near them.
Please make sure to include the unique per app user oauth_token
to ensure a personalized experience. Learn more about Foursquare’s User-ful Authentication.
import Foundation
let v = "20231020"
let oauthToken = "[INSERT_TOKEN_HERE]"
struct FoursquareResponse<ResponseType: Codable>: Codable {
struct Meta: Codable {
let code: Int
let requestId: String
let meta: Meta
let response: ResponseType
struct HTTPError: Error {
let statusCode: Int
static let badRequest = HTTPError(statusCode: 400)
// ... more statuses
func makeRequest(endpoint: String, method: String, params: [String: String]) async throws -> Data {
let components = {
var components = URLComponents(string: "\(endpoint)")!
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "v", value: v),
URLQueryItem(name: "oauth_token", value: oauthToken)
] + { URLQueryItem(name: $0.key, value: $0.value) }
return components
let request = {
var request = URLRequest(url: components.url!)
request.httpMethod = method
return request
let result = try await request)
guard let response = result.1 as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode < 400 else {
throw HTTPError(statusCode: (result.1 as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode ?? HTTPError.badRequest.statusCode)
return result.0
struct Venue: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
// ...
struct User: Codable {
let id: String
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
// ...
// checkin code
struct Checkin: Codable {
let id: String
let user: User
let venue: Venue
struct CheckinResponse: Codable {
let checkin: Checkin
func checkin(venueId: String) async throws -> Checkin {
let data = try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/checkins/add", method: "POST", params: ["venueId": venueId])
return try JSONDecoder().decode(FoursquareResponse<CheckinResponse>.self, from: data).response.checkin
let venueId = "6408b3256bfe407e3dad0739"
print(try await checkin(venueId: venueId))
// get list code
struct List: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
struct GetListResponse: Codable {
let list: List
func getList(listId: String) async throws -> List {
let data = try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/lists/\(listId)", method: "GET", params: [:])
return try JSONDecoder().decode(FoursquareResponse<GetListResponse>.self, from: data).response.list
let listId = "5bd22c448c812a002c6701f0"
print(try await getList(listId: listId))
// trending code
struct GetTrendingVenuesResponse: Codable {
let venues: [Venue]
func getTrendingVenues(latLng: String) async throws -> [Venue] {
let data = try await makeRequest(endpoint: "/venues/trending", method: "GET", params: ["ll": latLng])
return try JSONDecoder().decode(FoursquareResponse<GetTrendingVenuesResponse>.self, from: data).response.venues
let latLng = "40.7591622,-74.0516322"
print(try await getTrendingVenues(latLng: latLng))