Foursquare Targeting API calls are made by passing your API key into the KEY (case-sensitive) parameter, and making your requests through https:
You should restrict IP addresses that are authorized to make API calls using your key (server-side), or restrict access by Bundle Id (iOS).

The key manager page.
If you do not bind your key to an IP address or Bundle Id, you may be responsible for any unauthorized access to your API key.
Note: Android and client-side (Javascript/browser) access to the Foursquare Targeting APIs is currently unavailable.
Tracking Throttle Allocation (Real-time)
Every API response includes the remaining throttle allocation for the specified API key in the X-Factual-Throttle-Allocation HTTP header.
- The Foursquare Targeting API has a request per minute (RPM) limit as well as a request per day (RPD) limit.
- Exceeding the request per minute (RPM) limit will result in a short delay in processing each request rather than denying requests. The delay will, in aggregate, result in your request volume to be no greater than the RPM limit.
- Exceeding the request per day (RPD) limit will result in a HTTP 429 response.
- RPD and RPM are calculated by per individual request method.
- RPD and RPM are calculated based on rolling 24 hour and 1 minute periods.