Metric | Name | Alias |
Frequency | impressionsPerPanelist | freq , frequency |
Impressions | impressions | |
Impression Index | impressionIndex | |
Reach | projectedCampaignReach | reach |
Reach Percentage (Exclusive to dimensions: age, audience, children, education, ethnicity, gender, income, relationship status) | reachPercent | percentUsers |
Revenue | revenue | |
Spend | adSpend | spend |
Visitors | visitors |
Metric | Name | Alias |
Behavioral Lift (Exclusive to dimension: placement) | newVisitation | behavioralLift |
Behavioral Lift Confidence | newVisitationConfidence | behavioralLiftConfidence , incrementalActionConfidence |
Behavioral Lift Index | newVisitationIndex | behavioralLiftIndex |
Behavioral Lift Index Confidence | newVisitationIndexConfidence | behavioralLiftIndexConfidence |
Behavioral Lift Revenue | newVisitationRevenue | behavioralLiftRevenue |
Behavioral Lift Store Visits (Excluded dimensions: audience, business, top category) | newVisitationVisits | behavioralLiftVisits , incrementalActions |
Cost per Behavioral Lift Visit | costPerNewVisitationVisit | cpblv , costPerBehavioralLiftVisit , cpia , costPerIncrementalAction |
Cost per Standard Lift Visit | costPerLiftStoreVisit | cplv , costPerLiftVisit , cpslv , costPerStandardLiftVisit |
Cost per Store Visit | costPerStoreVisit | cpv , costPerVisit , cpa , costPerAction |
Cost per Store Visitor | costPerStoreVisitor | |
Conversion Rate: Baseline | baselineConversionRate | baselineCvr |
Conversion Rate: Exposed | conversionRate | cvr |
Conversion Rate: Returning | returningConversionRate | returningCvr , behavioralBaselineCvr , behavioralBaselineConversionRate |
Standard Lift (Exclusive to dimension: placement) | lift | standardLift |
Standard Lift Confidence | liftConfidence | standardLiftConfidence |
Standard Lift Revenue | liftedRevenue | liftRevenue ,standardLiftRevenue |
Store Visits | visits | onlineConversions , hybridConversions |
User ratio (Exclusive to dimensions: audience, time to first visit) | userRatio | percentConvertingUsers |
Optimization Index | optimizationIndex | |
T-Score (Exclusive to dimensions: subplacement, tactic) | tScore | |
Lift Confidence T-Score (Exclusive to dimensions: subplacement, tactic) | liftConfidenceTScore | |
Behavioral Lift Confidence T-Score (Exclusive to dimensions: subplacement, tactic) | newVisitationConfidenceT | behavioralLiftConfidenceTScore , newVisitationConfidenceTScore |
Relative Volume |
Comparative Performance
Metric | Name | Alias |
Reach Performance (Exclusive to dimension: placement) | reachPerformance | |
Conversion Rate Performance (Exclusive to dimension: placement) | conversionRatePerformance | cvrPerformance |
Cost per Store Visit Performance (Exclusive to dimension: placement) | costPerStoreVisitPerformance | costPerVisitPerformance , cpvPerformance , costPerActionPerformance , cpaPerformance |
Venue Level
Metric | Name | Alias |
Attributable Visits (Exclusive to dimensions: DMA, placement, venue) | attributableVisits | attributableActions |
Attributable Conversion Rate (Exclusive to dimensions: DMA, placement, venue) | attributableConversionRate | attributableCvr |
Cost per Attributable Visit (Exclusive to dimensions: DMA, placement, venue) | costPerAttributableStoreVisit | attributableCpv , attributableCostPerVisit , attributableCostPerStoreVisit , costPerAttributableAction |