Check User Data Request Status

Check the status of either a Managed User Delete request or a Managed User Data Retrieval request.

This endpoint returns the following possible values based on the status of your request; pending, completed, and expired.

  • Pending - Your request has been received and is currently pending.
  • Completed - Your request has been completed. If you requested the retrieval of a managed user's data, a link to the file in s3 is included. The file link is valid up to 7 days after its generation.
  • Expired - Your request has been completed, but the corresponding s3 file containing the managed user's data expired post 7-day availability ; for the Managed User Data Retrieval endpoint only.

NOTE: This endpoint requires a Foursquare Service API Key to authenticate. Learn how to create a Service API Key.


Foursquare will respond to requests within 30-days of receipt or otherwise in accordance with law.


Public Beta Feature

This documentation covers a feature currently in Public Beta. Access is available to anyone interested in building personalized experiences for their end-users.

This feature is subject to the Personalization API (Self-Service) Public Beta End user License Agreement 📄.


Foursquare Service Account Required

These endpoints require the use of a Foursquare Service Account that acts on behalf of your application. Please make sure you've created a Service Account and use the associated API Key when making calls to the following endpoints.

For more information, please read Service Account Authentication.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!