Standard Feed Schema
Column | Type | Description | Example |
maid | string | Mobile ad-id. Available if approved to receive. Only one of maid or hashed_maid is available if approved. | 9745fc4b-13f4-477b-9dcc-47728a74f974 |
hashed_maid | string | SHA-256 hashed MAID. Available if approved to receive. Only one of maid or hashed_maid is available if approved. | c8aae5aa27ad2baeaa700bc7bb19c13c486471c6370f98f90e80f9fdfead443a |
persistent_id | string | A unique identifier for a user across all of a user's visits | b953fd9304c947431b8ec183bbe3d26a485a073aa684dc5a89d74db8ca79b845 |
venue_id | string | FSQ unique identifier of venues (individual store). Available if approved to receive store-level data | 4ba12857f964a520469d37e3 |
chain_id | string | FSQ unique identifier for a chain | 4b6f6361f964a52067ee2ce3 |
chain_name | string | Name of chain | The Home Depot |
dma (US only) | string | Designated market area of the venue | Los Angeles, CA |
zip | string | Postcode of the chain of the venue | 90210 |
protected_timestamp | string | Date and timestamp when user visited, +/- 2 hours; ISO 8601 | 2019-07-24 9:15:03 |
dwell | number | Number of minutes a user is in a venue (difference between start and end time) | 7 |
source_indicator | string | Indicates whether the visit is from a 1P (O&O, SDK) or 3P source | 1P or 3P |
home_zip (US only) | number | Home zip code of user, for zips with >1k in population. This data point can be optional | 10016 |
confidence_score | string | Filter visits based on high/medium/low confidence score depending on your use case. Identify high confidence visits for modeling, or include medium and low confidence visits to increase scale for audience activation | Medium |
confidence_score_decile | string | Filter visits based on a decile from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest confidence and 10 being the highest. Visits assigned a confidence score of "1" fall into the first decile (or bottom 10% of ranked confidence scores), while visits assigned a score of "10" are considered our highest confidence visits and fall in the top 10% of ranked scores. | 10 |
home_cbg (US only) | string | Indicates the census block group in which the visitor lives if the cbg is >600 in population | 482012231001 |
work_cbg (US only) | string | Indicates the census block group in which the visitor works if the cbg is >600 in population | 482012231001 |
Places Mapping File
Column | Type | Description | Example |
venue_id | string | Foursquare’s unique identifier for a particular venue/location; displayed as a 24-character string | 5c6b234e037be1002ce54dda |
venue_name | string | Name of the venue | Old Navy |
address | number | Address of the venue | 1217 Rockville Pike |
city | string | City the venue is located in | Rockville |
dma (US only) | number | DMA the venue is located in | Washington, DC |
zip | string | Postcode the venue is located in | 20852 |
state | string | State the venue is located in | MD |
country | string | The ISO 3166 2 letter country code | US |
geo_lat | number | Latitude coordinates of the venue | 39.054581 |
geo_long | number | Longitude coordinates of the venue | -77.11638 |
category_id_level1 | string | Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string | 63be6904847c3692a84b9bb5 |
category_name_level1 | string | Name of the primary category of the venue | Dining and Drinking |
category_id_level2 | string | Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string | 4d4b7105d754a06374d81259 |
category_name_level2 | string | Name of the secondary category of the venue | Restaurants |
category_id_level3 | string | IFoursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string | 4bf58dd8d48988d142941735 |
category_name_level3 | string | Name of the tertiary category of the venue | Asian Restaurants |
category_id_level4 | string | Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string | 4bf58dd8d48988d113941735 |
category_name_level4 | string | Name of the fourth category of the venue | Korean Restaurants |
category_id_level5 | string | Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string | 5f2c3f6b5b4c177b9a6dc388 |
category_name_level5 | string | Name of the fifth category of the venue | Korean BBQ Restaurants |
chain_id | string | Foursquare’s unique identifier for a particular chain; displayed as a 24-character string | 556d1d36aceaff43eb0a9e60 |
chain_name | string | Name of the chain | Old Navy |
parent_venue_id | string | The ID of the parent venue if this venue is located in an airport, shopping centre, etc. | 4eb0307f6c250ddebea09895 |
Updated 10 months ago