Become a Placemaker
Public BETA
The Placemaker Tools are currently in a public BETA. This is your chance to try out our latest features, improvements, and updates before the official release. The beta version may not be fully polished, and some features may change before the official launch.
As a beta participant, you'll help shape its final version. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us refine and enhance the user experience. Please use this form to provide feedback.
Foursquare Placemakers are the guardians and curators of our Places dataset – playing a crucial role in shaping how people understand and interact with physical spaces in our digital world. Placemakers are the most dedicated and passionate members of our community. They care deeply about maintaining the accuracy and quality of our data, which includes everything from ensuring accurate place names, addresses, and other information to merging duplicate places and reporting inappropriate or closed places.
1. Sign up for a Placemaker Tools Account
- Go to the Placemaker Tools Sign up and complete the Create Your Account form.

Current SuperUsers
If you are already a Foursquare SuperUser, you will not need to create a new account to use the Placemaker Tools. Use your current login credentials to log into the new Placemaker Tools.
- You will receive an email confirmation from Foursquare that includes a confirmation code. Copy and paste the code provided into the Enter your verification code and click Verify.

2. Create Profile & Accept Terms of Use
- On the Profile tab, please provide the following information:
- First Name (required)
- Last Name (required)
- Job title (optional)
- Company (required)
- Industry (optional)

- In order to accept the Terms of Use, please click on and read both:
- Foursquare Developer Master Terms of Service
- Developer and Enterprise Privacy Policy
- Once viewed, click on the check box indicating you've read and accept these terms and click Sign Up.
3. Agree to Becoming a Placemaker and Guidelines
- By clicking I can do that, you're agreeing to What it means to be a Placemaker.

- By clicking Got it, you're agreeing to adhere to The editing ecosystem.

- Click the I agree to the Placemaker Tools Terms and Conditions checkbox and finally flick Get Started to begin reviewing and providing edits to our Places data.

Before you become an active Placemaker, you’ll briefly practice voting by reviewing the places on the next page. The more accurately and frequently you vote on edits and contribute your own suggestions, the more weight your votes and edits will carry.
Updated 3 months ago