Get Started with the Placemaker Tools
Public BETA
The Placemaker Tools are currently in a public BETA. This is your chance to try out our latest features, improvements, and updates before the official release. The beta version may not be fully polished, and some features may change before the official launch.
As a beta participant, you'll help shape its final version. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us refine and enhance the user experience. Please use this form to provide feedback.
Foursquare Placemakers are the guardians and curators of our Places dataset – playing a crucial role in shaping how people understand and interact with physical spaces in our digital world. Placemakers are the most dedicated and passionate members of our community. They care deeply about maintaining the accuracy and quality of our data, which includes everything from ensuring accurate place names, addresses, and other information to merging duplicate places and reporting inappropriate or closed places.
The Foursquare Places data set is ever-changing, with tens of thousands of suggested edits being created and resolved every day. You’ll help us by voting on whether you agree or disagree with pending data changes and by updating our data when you see issues.
The Home tab is the central hub for all of the Placemaker Tools available to you. From this tab, you can easily view:
- Your Placemaker Status
- Proposed/Approved Review Tasks
- Quick Links
- Places Needing Your Review

Places Needing Your Review
In this section you will find all of the places needing your review. Each place needs review for different reasons based on the following filterable review types:
- Details - Location and contact information
- Attributes - Availability of services
- Chains - Chain membership of a place
- Categories - Category information of a place
- Flagged - Status of the place; public/private, open/closed, etc.
To review a place, click on the place name and open the relevant review type accordion to complete the review task. Please keep in mind that not every place you review will include all of the available review types. Each place will have tasks specific to our data review needs for freshness and accuracy.
Quick Links
Add a New Place - Looking to add a new Place to the Foursquare data set? Click on this link to open the Add a New Place flow.
Leaderboard - View the Foursquare Placemaker leaderboard where the top spot is always up for grabs, and every vote/edit counts!
My Contributions - Want to know the current statss of your votes and edits? Click on this link to view the My Contributions page.
Add a New Place

Use the Add a Place form to submit a new place. Please provide as many of the following data points as possible:
- Details
- Place Name required
- Category required
- Address required
- Locality (City) required
- Region (State) required
- Postal Code required
- Country required
- Map Location required
- This is a chain
- This is inside of another place
- This a private place
- Contact
- Phone
- Website
- Email Address
- Facebook ID
- Twitter/X
- Hours
- Open Time
- Closing Time
- Open 24/7
- Attributes
- Reservation
- Offer Delivery
- Parking
- Outdoor Seating
- Restroom
- Credit Cards
- Wifi
My Contributions

The My Contributions page shows you all of your suggested place edits and their current status. Use the Filter button to only show contributions based on Pending, Accepted or Denied.
Best Practices
Before you begin, be sure to familiarize yourself with our Placemaker Best Practices so we can maintain consistency in our data.
If you want to provide feedback about a specific place not available in the Places Needing Your Review, you can use the Search bar to locate the place and then edit its info by clicking View/Edit this Place.

Updated 4 days ago