Release Notes - FSQ OS Places
March 2025
Since previous release on 02/06
POI Data Changelog
- Total POI: 104,666,133
- Total Created: 74,475
- Total Updated: 3,481,713
- Total Closed: 32,174
Suggested Edits Volume
- Suggested Edits Created Since Last Release: 1,380,830
- Suggested Edits Resolved Since Last Release: 655,755
What's New
- We corrected the geocoordinate locations of 257,500 POI that had previous latitude, longitude values of NULL
- We corrected the geocoordinate locations of 25,754 POI in the US where the region values did not match their previous latitude and longitude placement.
- We corrected the geocoordinate locations of 2,777 POI in Canada where the region values did not match their previous latitude and longitude placement.
- We corrected the country code for 5,921 POI globally that had previously been marked NULL.
February 2025
Since previous release on 01/10
POI Data Changelog
- Total POI: 104,635,092
- Total Created: 76,117
- Total Updated: 3,306,527
- Total Closed: 47,621
Suggested Edits Volume
- Suggested Edits Created Since Last Release: 2,169,441
- Suggested Edits Resolved Since Last Release: 601,218
What's New
- A new format PMTiles is available on S3:
- The latest version of OS Places will be available as vector tiles in PMTile format for efficient use in smart mapping and visualization applications.
- S3 location:
- Please preview the tiles using 3.1 map viewer
- Click on 'Tileset' Tab in the Add Data To Map dialog.
- Add the PMTiles URL to the 'Tileset URL' text box:
- Click on 'Add Tileset' to start exploring!
- The geoparquet release in S3 implements a more efficient sort based on geocoordinate partitioning. The result is more efficient spatial queries.
- We corrected the geocoordinate locations of 44,756 POI located in oceans by geocoding POI with full address, country codes and non-marine related categories.
- We removed 15,657 POI in the US with profanity in the name attribute. We used a two-pass approach: first identified problematic POIs through string matching against a profanity lexicon and NLI-based probability scoring, then evaluated flagged POIs for legitimacy by analyzing historical foot traffic patterns, address validity, and contact information completeness, with entries failing multiple criteria marked for removal.
- We removed 2,911 POI with null country code, completely null address parts and an absence of historical foot traffic.
January 2025
Since previous release on 12/04
POI Data Changelog
- Total POI: 104,588,312
- Total Created: 120,720
- Total Updated: 4,243,568
- Total Closed: 64,950
Suggested Edits Volume
- Suggested Edits Created Since Last Release: 4,527,740
- Suggested Edits Resolved Since Last Release: 4,204,336
What’s New
- A new column
has been added.- This attribute contains a link to the POI’s review page in the PlaceMaker Tools application.
- Users can suggest edits to correct data quality issues or review pending edits.
- Example:
- See documentation for more information.
- We filled 1,768,290 POI postcode values using contextual address mapping.
- We removed 27,584 POI that were located in oceans by isolating POI with missing address and a lack of first party data signals.
- We corrected 238 POI that were located in oceans with inverted latitude and longitude values.
- We corrected 33,321 POI in the US where region values did not match their latitude and longitude placement.
- The
attribute indicates when we last received trustworthy confirmation about a place's details, either through trusted data sources or human interaction such as user edits and rich content submissions.- We've improved how we track this timestamp by updating it only when we receive external validation - whether from trusted sources, Swarm users contributing content, or Placemaker edits.
- We no longer update this timestamp for automated system changes, such as standardization updates or internal algorithm adjustments. As a result of this one-time adjustment, many places show older
values compared to the previous release.
December 2024
Since previous release on 11/19
POI Data Changelog
- Total POI: 104,529,230
- Total Created: 21,889
- Total Refreshed: 200,561
- Total Closed: 27,691
What’s New
- New file formats available in the public S3 bucket
- Geoparquet format with Zstandard compression is now available with supported geometry columns
- Geoparquet format with Zstandard compression is now available with supported geometry columns
- An offering is now available on HuggingFace
- An offering is now available on Snowflake
Updated 6 days ago